The YSU BC currently stores about 20 000 specimens of fungi, mosses, hepatics and vascular plants. It was initially based on private collections of several researchers working on biodiversity assessment in Yugra State University. The collection is registered in Index Herbariorum since 2016 with an acronym «YSU». In 2017 YSU BC is registered as a data publisher in GBIF.

The main goal of the YSU BC is to develop reference library of regional biodiversity, support research in systematics, ecology, phylogeny and applied disciplines, and manage associated biodiversity information in the Northern West Siberia. For that purpose, we are developing conditions for physical storage of samples, facilitating their scientific analysis, and applying modern computer technologies for storage, analysis and distribution of collection data.
We encourage researchers working in the area to access their biological collections in YSU BC. A rule for the visitors of the Mukhrino field station of Yugra State University is to share their collected materials with the host university.
Online database of collection in Specify
The database of YSU BC is developed using Specify software. The Specify Web Portal available for the database search, browsing the map and images, and download. The database is shared through GBIF by IPT software using MySQL queries to each individual collection, including images of specimens.

The taxonomical structure of the collection includes
- Fungi – about 10 K specimen (fruiting structures in dried state with associated macro- and microphotographs and descriptions stored in the data base) (search collection on Web Portal),
- Bryophytes – about 7000 specimen of mosses and hepatics (dried collection) (search collection on Web Portal),
- Vascular plants educational collection – about 300 specimen (herbarium sheets) (search collection on Web Portal),
- Lichens – about 3 K specimens.
The researchers currently maintaining the collections of particular groups of organisms:
- Elena Lapshina, Galina Ganasevich – bryophytes (
- Nina Filippova – fungi (
- Aleksandra Mingalimova – lichens (