Overview of the mycological research in the Northern West Siberia
Bibliography of publications accomplished in the region from the beginning of XX century until present, totally 162 sources (pdf)
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
About 25 researchers participated in the inventory of lichens in the region. The largest species lists are published in a series of works (Andreev 1982, Andreev 1984, Ahmet’ev et al. 1993, Magomedova and Ectova 2006, Magomedova et al. 2006, Pristyazhnyuk 1994, Pristyazhnyuk 1996, Pristyazhnyuk 1998, Pristyazhnyuk 2001, Ryabkova 1998, Sedelnikova 2017, Zhurbenko 1999). The history of the inventory of lichens in the region was described in detail for the Urals in (Ryabkova 1965), for the Yamal Peninsula in (Magomedova and Ectova 2006), and for the Polar Urals in (Magomedova et al. 2006). In the first half of the 20th century, studies of the reindeer husbandry and productivity of lichens were initiated by (Igoshina 1933, Igoshina 1935, Igoshina 1937, Igoshina 1939, Igoshina and Frolovskaya 1939). The assessment of natural factors, as well as grazing and pyrogenic factors on productivity was continued later in the Polar Urals in a series of publications (Abdulmanova and Ectova 2015a, Abdulmanova and Ectova 2015b, Abdulmanova and Ektova 2013, Ektova and Morozova 2015).
Agaricoid basidiomycetes are less studied group in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug compared to the southern region. Sporadic studies were conducted in the Polar Urals by (Kazantseva 1966, Kazantseva 1968, Kazantseva 1970, Knudsen and Mukhin 1998), in the Southern Yamal by (Tarchevskaya 1985a, Tarchevskaya 1985b, Tarchevskaya 1986, Tarchevskaya 1990) and in the Tazovskiy peninsula by (Kapitonov 2015). Regular inventories and herbarium collections were conducted at several field stations of the Botanical institute of Komarov working in the region in the second half of XX century (Karatygin et al. 1999). The collections made during this period are stored in the LE herbarium (Saint-Petersburg) and later processed in a series of publications (Kovalenko 1999, Malysheva 2018, Nezdoiminogo 1996, Nezdojminogo 2001).
Clavarioid basidiomycetes are well studied group mainly by a single researcher working in different regions: the Polar Urals (Shiryaev 2006), Novaya Zemlya, Yamal, Beliy island and Gydana (Shiryaev 2011), and in the Middle Urals (Shiryaev 2004). The geographical distribution of the clavarioid fungi was analyzed in a number of works (Shiryaev 2013, Shiryaev 2017, Shiryaev 2018, Shiryaev et al. 2016). The impact of climate change on the clavarioid fungi is hypothesized in several papers (Shiryaev 2009, Shiryaev et al. 2019).
Lignicolous basidiomycetes are a well-studied ecological group in the North of West Siberia. N. T. Stepanova-Kartavenko initiated the inventory of the middle Urals (Stepanova-Kartavenko 1967) and made some works in the Polar Urals (Stepanova and Sirko 1970). L. K. Kazantseva dedicated the study of wood-decay mycobiota to the northern regions of the Polar Urals and Yamal (Kazantseva 1971a, Kazantseva 1971b, Kazantseva 1972). V. A. Mukhin analyzed the biogeography and ecology of lignicolous basidiomycetes in West Siberia, from the forest-steppe zone in the South to the tndra-steppe in the North (Mukhin 1984, Mukhin 1987a). The same author examined the local mycobiotas in several publications (Mukhin and Stepanova 1982, Mukhin and Stepanova 1983, Mukhin 1983, Mukhin 1987b, Mukhin 1991, Mukhin and Olshvang 1983).
A number of works was performed to study fungal pathogens of plants in the region, by Z. A. Demidova (Demidova 1962, Demidova 1970), L. K. Kazantseva (Kazantseva 1967), and N. T. Stepanova (Stepanova 1970). Some records of pathogens of cereals are reported in the monograph by N.N. Lavrov on the mycoflora of cereals of Siberia (Lavrov 1951). A series of inventories performed at the former field stations of the Botanical institute of Komarov (collections stored in LE) were summarized in (Karatygin et al. 1999).
Myxomycetes of the Urals, including its northern territories, are described in the PhD thesis by K. A. Fefelov (Fefelov 2006) and collections stored in LE summarized in (Karatygin et al. 1999).
Soil microfungi were studied in a few works (Kulay 1968, Kulay and Ischenko 1974), as well as in the PhD thesis by N. F. Ischenko (Ischenko 1981).
The occurrence records on discomycetes and other ascomycetes appeared in the papers by A. V. Raitvir with coauthors (Raytviyr and Sirko 1968, Sirko 1970a, Sirko 1970b, Sirko 1971, Kazantseva and Сирко 1974), collections stored in LE summarized in (Karatygin et al. 1999).
And B. V. Krasutsky was deeply engaged in the ecological study of fungivorous Coleoptera communities (Krasutskiy 2007), inventorying several localities in the region.
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Lignicolous basidiomycetes have been studied quite extensively by a number of researchers. S. P. Arefyev initiated regional studies on wood-pathogens (Arefyev 1990, Arefyev 1991) and applied ecological modeling of lignicolous communities (Arefyev 2003, Arefyev 2008b, Arefyev 2010). Along with these approaches, the same author inventoried several regions and protected areas (Arefyev 2003, Arefyev 2008a, Arefyev 2011, Arefyev 2013). V. A. Mukhin analysed the lignicolous communities along latitudinal gradient in Western Siberia in a comprehensive monograph Mukhin 1993. I. V. Stavishenko contributed greatly to the knowledge of species diversity in the regional conservation areas (Stavishenko 2000, Stavishenko 2003, Stavishenko 2007a, Stavishenko 2007b, Stavishenko 2011, Stavishenko and Mukhin 2002, Stavishenko and Zalesov 2008). Some recommendations on monitoring of lignicolous fungi in protected areas (Stavishenko 1996, Stavishenko 1997, Stavishenko 2008) and in oil and gas production areas (Stavishenko and Zalesov 2008) were developed.
The inventories of lichens were performed in a number of protected areas in the region, with the highest number of species revealed in the Polar Urals and adjacent areas (Paukov and Mukhaylova 2011, Ryabkova et al. 1996, Sedelnikova and Taran 2000, Sedelnikova 2010, Tolpysheva and Shishkonakova 2019, Trapeznikova 2003, Shalatonov 2010, Chabanenko and Taran 2004). Attention was paid to the restoration processes of lichen cover in disturbed areas (Shishkonakova and Tolpysheva 2018, Tolpysheva and Shishkonakova 2020, Shishkonakova et al. 2013) and under natural regression of peatlands (Shishkonakova et al. 2016). Several papers were devoted to the lichens of raised bogs, covering large areas in the region (Lapshina and Koneva 2010, Tolpysheva 2004).
Marcofungi were studied in a number of districts, but the most thoroughly studied area being centered around Khanty-Mansiysk, and in the south-east part, in and near the Yuganskiy nature reserve. The nature reserve has been inventoried since 2007 in a number of studies: (Zvyagina et al. 2009, Zvyagina, E.A. and Baykalova, A.S. 2017, Zvyagina et al. 2007, Zvyagina 2012, Zvyagina 2015). In the Khanty-Mansiysk vicinity, the inventory was targeting particular communities of peatlands and forests (Filippova and Thormann 2014, Filippova and Bulyonkova 2017, Filippova et al. 2015). The permanent plot-based monitoring of macromycetes fruiting dynamics was initiated since 2014 in different vegetation types (Filippova et al. 2014, Filippova and Bulyonkova 2017). Some other protected areas of Yugra were visited by different researches and the checklists were published (Zvyagina and Vasina 2015, Kapitonov 2012, Makarova et al. 2015, Shiryaev 2002).
The study of the diversity of myxomycetes was carried out in two protected areas (Fefelov 2002, Fefelov 2007). The community of corticolous myxomycetes was sampled nearby Khanty-Mansiysk with the description of two new species (Vlasenko et al. 2019, Vlasenko et al. 2018).
The phytopathological studies are developing in the city of Surgut. The flora of fungal pathogens of the city parks of Surgut was studied for many years by T.A. Marakova and colleagues (Makarova et al. 2011, Makarova and Makarov 2016).
The communities of microfungi and yeasts were sampled in a study of mycobiota of raised bogs (Filippova 2012, Filippova 2015, Filippova and Thormann 2015, Kachalkin 2010). Some works were devoted to the study of the influence of lichens on soil micromycetes (Tolpysheva 2006).

Related publications:
Filippova N, Arefyev S, Zvyagina E, Kapitonov V, Makarova T, Mukhin V, Sedelnikova N, Stavishenko I, Shiryaev A, Tolpysheva T, Ryabitseva N, Paukov A (2020) Fungal literature records database of the Northern West Siberia (Russia). Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e52963. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.8.e52963
Filippova N.V., Arefyev S.P., Bulyonkova T.M., Zvyagina E.A., Kapitonov V.I., Makarova T.A., Mukhin V.A., Stavishenko I.V., Tavshanzhi E.I., Shiryaev A.G. 2017. The history of mycological studies in Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug: 1) the period of isolated studies, lignicolous basidiomycetes and phytopathological studies // Environmental dynamics and global climate change. V. 8. No. 2. P. 18-28. (http://journals.eco-vector.com/EDGCC/article/view/7132) [in Russian with English abstract]
Filippova N.V., Arefyev S.P., Bulyonkova T.M., Zvyagina E.A., Kapitonov V.I., Makarova T.A., Mukhin V.A., Stavishenko I.V., Tavshanzhi E.I., Shiryaev A.G. 2017. The history of mycological studies in Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug: 2) study of Macromycetes, Lichens and Myxomycetes, state of mycological collections and fungal records database // Environmental dynamics and global climate change. V. 8. No. 2. P. 29-45. (http://journals.eco-vector.com/EDGCC/article/view/7134) [in Russian with English abstract]
Last update: 28.02.2024