Overview of the mycological research in the Southern West Siberia

Overview of the mycological research in the Southern West Siberia

The mycological research in the Southern part of West Siberia stems from isolated studies in the end of the 19th century, yet regular and systematic research only began in the second half of the century. Over the following decades, several dozen researchers worked in the area and a total of over 1000 scientific works were published. The history of research of particular fungal groups was earlier described in a series of publications (Davydov and Skachko 2014, Milovidova 1983, Sedel’nikova 2017, Shirjaeva 2015). Below we describe the history of mycological research in the southern part of West Siberia by traditionally-studied morphological or ecological groups.


The lichen diversity in the region has been studied for more then hundred years. Irregular collections of lichens started in the end of 19th century by broad-scale collectors (from: Sedel’nikova 2017). This first period was summarized in a book chapter by Savich and Elenkin (1950). More systematic research of lichens started in the region in the second half of XX century. Totally about 10 lichenologists worked in the area and published the results of inventory or monitoring work. Systematic research of lichen diversity was made by Nellya V. Sedelnikova in several regions of Southern West Siberia (occurrences summarized in Sedel’nikova 2017). Eugene A. Davydov has been studying the lichen biota in Altay mountains (Davydov 2001, Davydov 2012) and Elena Y. Skachko in Altay plain (Barnaul vicinity) (Skachko 2003). Vera V. Koneva described the lichen communities and diversity in Tomsk region (Koneva 2003). Eugene V. Barsukov studied lichen communities of pine forests in Novosibirsk region (Barsukov 2001). In Omsk region, lichen diversity of forest-steppe zone was studied by Natalia V. Sorokina (Sorokina 2001a, Sorokina 2001b). Ekaterina V. Romanova revealed bioindicator activity of lichens in Novosibirsk region (Sedel’nikova and Romanova 2010). A detailed history of lichen research in Altay region provided in (Davydov and Skachko 2014) and for the West Siberia as a whole in (Sedel’nikova 2017).

Agaricoid basidiomycetes

Agaricoid basidiomycetes is a well but unevenly studied group in the region. Scientists performed targeted surveys on the group in Novosibirsk, Tomsk Regions, Altay Republic and Altai Krai. In the 1930th, the prominent mycologist of the XX century Rolf Singer visited the Altai Mountains, accompanied by Larisa N. Vasiljeva. The collections made during the field work were studied and cited in a number of papers, including the monumental «Das System der Agaricales III» (Singer 1943). In the 1960th, Nina V. Perova actually established “mycological center” in Novosibirsk which initiated the surveys of larger fungi of Southern West Siberia, namely in Altai Republic as well as Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions with minor data from Kemerovo region (Perova and Gorbunova 2001). In the 1990th, her successor Irina A. Gorbunova continued the work in various parts of the region, including several protected areas (Perova and Gorbunova 2007, Gorbunova et al. 2011, Gorbunova 2017, Gorbunova 2018). In the 2000th Natalia P. Kutafieva started surveys in the Tomsk region (Kosheleva and Kutaf’eva 2004). Later, Nadezhda N. Kudashova (Agafonova) with colleagues summarized all known data on larger fungi of the region (Kosheleva and Kutaf’eva 2004), and later added new information (Kudashova et al. 2016a, Kudashova et al. 2016b). In the borders of Kurgan, Omsk, Kemerovo and Tyumen regions, only scattered data on agaricoid fungi can be found in several summarizing works (Stepanova and Sirko 1977, Anonymous 1980, Mukhin 1993, Perova and Gorbunova 2001, Filippova et al. 2018). A detailed history of mycological studies in Sverdlovsk Region can be found in the summary by Olga S. Shiryaeva (Shirjaeva 2015).

Gasteroid and clavarioid fungi

Gasteroid fungi were studied by Yury A. Rebriev with coauthors (Rebriev and Gorbunova 2007, Gorbunova and Rebriev 2018, Agafonova et al. 2011, Shiryaev 2008a). Clavarioid fungi inventoried in different regions by Anton G. Shiryaev with colleagues (Shiryaev 2008b, Shiryaev and Gorbunova 2012, Vlasenko and Vlasenko 2017b).

Apphyllophoroid fungi

The history of aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes research is described in Vlasenko (2013a). The southern West Siberia was less studied compared to the Northern part, untill recently. In the beginning of the XX century, the sporadic collection work was done by Nikolay N. Lavrov, Konstantin E. Murashkinskiy, M. K. Ziling, V. P. Dravert, V. V. Popov, and others (from: Vlasenko 2013a). E. Zhukov (2002), Zhukov (2005) was studying lignicolous basidiomycetes in Altay, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions in more detail in the end of the XX century. Relatively well studied area by the school of aphyllophorologists is Sverdlovsk region, importantly in mountains of the Urals (Mukhin 1993, Mukhin et al. 2003). In Altay region, the important inventories made in the pine forests of forest-steppe zone (Vlasenko 2010, Vlasenko 2013a), in plantations and native forests of Novosibirsk (Vlasenko 2013b, Vlasenko 2014), and in different nature protected areas (Vlasenko and Vlasenko 2017a, Vlasenko and Vlasenko 2015, Vlasenko et al. 2019). In Tomsk region, the first checklist of aphyllophoroid fungi published in Agafonova et al. (2007b). The biological activity of agaricoid and aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes has been studied in Novosibirsk in different research projects, mentioning a few (Ibragimova et al. 2013, Protsenko et al. 2019, Troshkova et al. 2013).

Plant pathogens

Study of fungal plant pathogens in West Siberia started in the beginning of the XX century. Several regional checklists were created back then (Lavrov 1926, Lavrov 1937, Lavrov 1938, Lavrov 1951a, Lavrov 1951b, Murashkinskiy and Ziling 1928) and several monographs on special groups were published (Transhel’ 1939, Vasil’evskiy and Karakulin 1937, Vasil’evskiy and Karakulin 1950). Further study of fungal plant pathogens in West Siberia resumed only in the 60-70th of the XX century. Plant pathogens in the Tomsk city and Tomsk region were studied by several authors (Milovidova and Melekhina 1971, Milovidova and Melekhina 1972, Milovidova 1983, Sokolovskaya and Golovina 1973). Fungal plant pathogens of woody plants in Novosibirsk were studied by Maria V. Nozdrenko (Nozdrenko 1960, Anonymous 1961, Nozdrenko 1964, Nozdrenko 1965, Anonymous 1974) and Ateo M. Zhukov (Zhukov 1978, Zhukov 1979). More recently, the diversity of fungal plant pathogens is advanced by Irina G. Vorobieva and Maria A. Tomoshevich (Tomoshevich et al. 2013, Tomoshevich 2012, Tomoshevich 2020, Tomoshevich and Banaev 2011, Tomoshevich and Banaev 2013, Tomoshevich and Banaev 2017, Tomoshevich and Vorob’eva 2005, Tomoshevich and Vorob’eva 2010, Tomoshevich and Vorob’eva 2020, Toropova et al. 2013, Vorob’eva and Tomoshevich 2017, Vorob’eva and Tomoshevich 2021, Vorob’eva et al. 2018, Vorob’eva et al. 2011, mentioning the most important works) and by Svetlana N. Nikitina, Elena Yu. Toropova (Nikitina 2008a, Nikitina 2008b, Toropova et al. 2013, Toropova et al. 2019, Toropova et al. 2021). A few publications were dedicated to the soil communities of micromycetes in Altay region, with one example (Bilanenko and Georgieva 2005).


The history of myxomycetes research in West Siberia was presented in a paper (Vlasenko 2008). The first inventory of this group in Tomsk region was made by Nikolay N. Lavrov (Lavrov 1927, Lavrov 1931). Recently, the systematic research of different ecological groups of myxomycetes in different regions is advanced by Anastasia V. Vlasenko with coauthors (Vlasenko 2011, Vlasenko 2013, Vlasenko 2020, Vlasenko and Novozhilov 2011, mentioning a few).

Related publictions:

Filippova N, Ageev D, Bolshakov S, Davydov EA, Filippova A, Filippov I, Gashkov S, Gorbunova I, Kalinina L, Kudashova N, Palomozhnykh E, Shabanova N, Tomoshevich M, Vayshlya O, Vlasenko A, Vlasenko V, Vorobʼeva I, Yakovchenko L, Zvyagina E (2021) The fungal literature-based occurrence database for southern West Siberia (Russia). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e76789. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.9.e76789


  • Agafonova NN, Kryuchkova OE, Kutaf’eva NP, Gashkov SI (2007) The macromycetes of Tomsk Region (West Siberia). 2. Aphyllophoraceous fungi [Макромицеты Томской области (Западная Сибирь). 2. Афиллофоровые грибы]. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rasteniy 41: 92‑101. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2007.41.92
  • Agafonova NN, Rebriev YA, Gashkov SI (2011) Gasteroid basidiomycetes of the Tomsk region [Гастероидные базидиомицеты Томской области]. Mycology and Phytopathology 45 (3): 221‑227. [In Russian]. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16399058
  • Barsukov EV (2001) Lichen flora of the Priobsky pine forest (Novosibirsk region) [Лихенофлора Приобского ленточного бора (Новосибирская область)]. Sibirskij Ekologicheskij Zhurnal 8: 507‑512. [In Russian].
  • Bilanenko EN, Georgieva ML (2005) Micromycetes in solonchaks of south Siberia (Kulunda steppe) [Микромицеты солончаков Южной Сибири (Кулундинская степь)]. Mycology and Phytopathology 39 (4): 6‑12. [In Russian]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=9155944
  • Davydov EA (2001) Catalogus annotatus lichenum montum Altai occidentalis (Rossia) [Аннотированный список лишайников западной части Алтая (Россия)]. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 35: 140‑161. [In Russian].
  • Davydov EA (2012) Lichens of the Tigirek nature reserve (annotated species list) [Лишайники Тигирекского заповедника (аннотированный список видов)]. Trudy Tigirekskogo Zapovednika 4: 69‑85. [In Russian].
  • Davydov EA, Skachko EY (2014) History and results of study of lichens in Altay region [История и итоги изучения флоры лишайников Алтайского края]. Vestnik Altayskoy Nauki 1: 208‑213. [In Russian]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21778191
  • Filippova AV, Kashina AY, Snigirev DY (2018) Basidiomycetes of urban and suburban plantings of the city of Kemerovo [Базидиальные грибы городских и пригородных насаждений города Кемерово]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy Konferentsii s Mezhdunarodnym Uchastiem «Mikologiya i Al’gologiya v Rossii. XX-XXI vek: Smena Paradigm»232‑233. [In Russian].
  • Filippova N, Arefyev S, Zvyagina E, Kapitonov V, Makarova T, Mukhin V, Sedelnikova N, Stavishenko I, Shiryaev A, Tolpysheva T, Ryabitseva N, Paukov A (2020) Fungal literature records database of the Northern West Siberia (Russia). Biodiversity Data Journal 8 https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.8.e52963
  • Filippova N, Ageev D, Bolshakov S, Vayshlya O, Vlasenko A, Vlasenko V, Gashkov S, Gorbunova I, Davydov E, Zvyagina E, Kudashova N, Tomoshevich M, Filippova A, Shabanova N, Yakovchenko L (2021) The fungal literature-based occurrence database for the Southern West Siberia (Russia). Version 1.8. Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/eqx72v
  • Gorbunova IA, Vlasenko VA, Chubarova YA (2011) Macromycetes of Tigiretsky Nature Reserve (annotated species list) [Макромицеты Тигирекского заповедника (аннотированный список видов)]. Biota Tigirekskogo zapovednika. Trudy Tigirekskogo zapovednika. 4: 57‑71. [In Russian].
  • Gorbunova IA (2017) New data on Agaricoid fungi of the Katunsky State Nature Reserve and rare fungi of the republic of Altay (Russia) [Новые сведения об агарикоидных грибах Катунского заповедника и редких грибах Республики Алтай (Россия)]. Nature Conservation Research 2: 43‑55. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2017.032
  • Gorbunova IA (2018) New information about agaricoid basidiomycetes of the Tigirek State Nature Reserve (Altai territory) [Новые сведения об агарикоидных базидиомицетах заповедника «Тигирекский» (Алтайский край)]. Turczaninowia 21 (2): 160‑171. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.21.2.16
  • Gorbunova IA, Rebriev YA (2018) New information about gasteroid basidiomycetes of the Tigirek State Nature Reserve (Altai territory) [Новые сведения о гастероидных и агарикоидных базидиомицетах Тигирекского заповедника]. Turczaninowia 21: 24‑30. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.21.1.3
  • Ibragimova ZB, Mazurkova NA, Makarevich EV, Filippova EI, Troshkova GP, Kostina NE, Protsenko MA, Skarnovich MA, Shishkina LN, Gorbunova IA (2013) Antiviral activity of aqueous and ethanol fungal extracts against DNA-containing viruses [Противовирусная активность водных и этанольных грибных экстрактов в отношении ДНК-содержащих вирусов]. Sovremennye Naukoemkie Tekhnologii 4: 112. [In Russian]. URL: https://top-technologies.ru/ru/article/view?id=31628
  • Koneva VV (2003) Lichens of forests and bogs of the southeastern Tomsk region [Лишайники лесных и болотных фитоценозов юго-востока Томской области]. Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal 10 (4): 523‑528. [In Russian]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17641834
  • Kosheleva AP, Kutaf’eva ΗP (2004) Biota of macromycetes in the region between rivers Ob and Tom (Tomsk region, West Siberia) [Биота макромицетов между речья Оби и Томи (Томская область, Западная Сибирь)]. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 37: 106‑115. [In Russian]. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18263152
  • Kudashova NN, Gashkov SI, Vayshlya OB (2016a) Additions to the list of macromycetes of Tomsk region [Дополнительные данные к списку макромицетов Томской области]. Sistematicheskie Zametki Po Materialam Gerbariya im. P.N. Krylova Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 114: 49‑60. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.17223/20764103.114.6
  • Kudashova NN, Gashkov SI, Vayshlya OB (2016b) Rare and protected species of fungi of Tomsk Oblast [Редкие и охраняемые виды грибов Томской области]. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Biologiya 4: 79‑109. [In Russian]. https://doi.org/10.17223/19988591/36/6
  • Lavrov NN (1926) Mycoflora of the lower reaches of the Yenisei River and the islands of the Yenisei Gulf [Материалы к микофлоре низовьев реки Енисея и островов Енисейского залива]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 77: 158‑177. [In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1927) Materials for the study of Siberian Myxomycetes: 1. Vicinity of the city of Tomsk [Материалы для флоры слизевиков Сибири: 1. Слизевики окрестностей гор. Томска]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Otdeleniya Russkogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva 2: 10‑21. [In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1931) Myxomycetes of the Northern and Central Altay [Слизевики Северного и Центрального Алтая]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Otdeleniya Russkogo Botanicheskogo Obshchestva 3[In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1937) Fungi and myxomycetes of Siberia and nearby regions of Europa, Asia and America. Vol. 1 [Флора грибов и слизевиков Сибири и смежных областей Европы, Азии и Америки. Вып. 1]. Trudy Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Imeni V. V. Kuybysheva 104 (3): 12‑59. [In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1938) Fungi and myxomycetes of Siberia and nearby regions of Europa, Asia and America. Vol. 2 [Флора грибов и слизевиков Сибири и смежных областей Европы, Азии и Америки. Вып. 2]. Trudy Biologicheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta III: 1‑132. [In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1951a) Fungi and myxomycetes of Siberia and nearby regions of Europa, Asia and America. Vol. 4. Mycopathogens of cereals [Флора грибов и слизевиков Сибири и смежных областей Европы, Азии и Америки. Вып. 4. Микофлора хлебных злаков]. Trudy Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Imeny V. V. Kuybysheva 110: 1‑311. [In Russian].
  • Lavrov NN (1951b) Fungi and myxomycetes of Siberia and nearby regions of Europa, Asia and America. Vol. 5. Mycopathogens of Siberian grasses [Флора грибов и слизевиков Сибири. Вып. 5. Очерк микофлоры злаков Сибири]. Trudy Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Imeny V. V. Kuybysheva 113: 1‑104. [In Russian].
  • Milovidova LS, Melekhina EE (1971) The species diversity of fungi on some trees and shrubs of the Tomsk town [Видовой состав грибов на некоторых деревьях и кустарниках, произрастающих в Томске]. Byulletel’ Sibirskogo Botanicheskogo Sada 8: 90. [In Russian].
  • Milovidova LS, Melekhina EE (1972) Phytopathogenic fungi in parks in the city of Tomsk [Вредные грибы зеленых насаждений Томска]. Vodorosli i Griby Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka 2 (4): 163‑165. [In Russian].
  • Milovidova LS (1983) Mycological and phytopathological research in Siberia [Микологические и фитопатологические исследования в Сибири]. Mycology and Phytopathology 17: 7‑10. [In Russian].
  • Mukhin VA (1993) Boita of lignicolous basidiomycetes of West Siberian plain [Биота ксилотрофных базидиомицетов Западно-Сибирской равнины]. UIF «Nauka», Ekaterinburg, 231 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 5-7691-0380-9]
  • Mukhin VA, Tret’yakova AS, Pryadein DV, Paukov AG, Yudin MM, Fefelov KA, Shiryaev AG (2003) Plants and fungi of the National Park «Pripyshminskie bory» [Растения и грибы национального парка «Припышминские боры»]. Izdatel’stvo Ural’skogo Universiteta, Ekaterinburg, 204 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 5-86037-053-9]
  • Murashkinskiy KE, Ziling MK (1928) Mycoflora of Altay and Sayany [Материалы по микофлоре Алтая и Саян]. Trudy Sibirskogo Instituta Sel’skogo Khozyaystva i Lesovodstva 10 (4): 361‑390. [In Russian].
  • Nikitina SM (2008a) Pathogenic micromycetes and optimization of the phytosanitary state of onions in the forest-steppe of the Ob region [Патогенные микромицеты и оптимизация фитосанитарного состояния лука в лесостепи Приобья]. Novosibirskiy Gosudarstvennyy Agrarnyy Universitet, Kinel’, 24 pp. [In Russian].
  • Nikitina SM (2008b) Complex resistance of perennial onions to diseases [Комплексная устойчивость многолетних луков к заболеваниям]. Sibirskiy Vestnik Sel’skokhozyaystvennoy Nauki 10 (190): 38‑41. [In Russian]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11609234
  • Nozdrenko MV (1960) Fungal phytopathogens of the city of Novosibirsk [Главнейшие грибные болезни зеленых насаждений Новосибирска]. Trudy Tsentral’no-Sibirskogo Botanicheskogo Sada 3: 57‑64. [In Russian].
  • Nozdrenko MV (1961) Plant diseases of the city of Novosibirsk [Болезни зеленых насаждений города Новосибирска]. Rastitel’nye bogatstva Novosibirskoy oblasti [Растительные богатства Новосибирской области]. Izd-vo SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, 189-197 pp. [In Russian].
  • Nozdrenko MV (1964) Fungal phytopatogens of the city of Novosibirsk [Грибы зеленых насаждений городов Новосибирской области]. Vodorosli i Griby Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka 1 (8): 196‑203. [In Russian].
  • Nozdrenko MV (1965) Fungal phytopathogens of Pinus sibirica [Материалы к микофлоре сибирского кедра]. Vodorosli i Griby Zapadnoy Sibiri 2: 142‑148. [In Russian].
  • Nozdrenko MV (1974) Species diversity of phytopathogens of parks in Novosibirsk Scientific Center [Основной состав грибов зеленых насаждений Академгородка (Новосибирск)]. Aquatic and terrestrial lower plants of Siberia [Водные и наземные сообщества низших растений Сибири]. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 136–147 pp. [In Russian].
  • Perova NV, Gorbunova IA (2001) Macrofungi of the Southern West Siberia [Макромицеты юга Западной Сибири]. Izd-vo SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 158 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 5-7692-0460-5]
  • Perova NV, Gorbunova IA (2007) Mushrooms [Грибы]. In: Lashchinskiy NN (Ed.) Flora of Salair [Флора Салаирского кряжа]. Geo, Novosibirsk, 70–97 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 978-5-9747-0093-4].
  • Protsenko MA, Makarevich EV, Ibragimova ZB, Filippova EI, Vlasenko VA, Mazurkova NA (2019) Antiviral activity of Bjerkandera adusta extracts against influenza and herpes viruses [Противовирусная активность экстрактов макромицета Bjerkandera adusta в отношении вирусов гриппа и герпеса]. Biofarmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal 11: 38‑44. [In Russian]. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41865731
  • Rebriev YA, Gorbunova IA (2007) Gasteromycetes of the Southwestern and Central Siberia [Гастеромицеты юга Западной и Средней Сибири. Sibirskiy Botanicheskiy Vestnik 2 (1): 51‑60. [In Russian].
  • Savich VY, Elenkin AA (1950) Introduction to the flora of lichens of the Asian part of USSR [Введение к флоре лишайников Азиатской части СССР]. Trudy Botanicheskogo Instituta Imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSR 2 (6): 181‑343. [In Russian].
  • Sedel’nikova NV, Romanova EV (2010) Lichens as bioindicators of atmospheric pollution of the Novosibirsk urban agglomeration. [Лишайники – биоиндикаторы атмосферного загрязнения Новосибирской городской агломераци]. Akademicheskoe izd-vo «Geo», Novosibirsk, 99 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 978-5-904682-04-0]
  • Sedel’nikova NV (2017) Species diversity of lichens of Western Siberia and role of lichens in the mountain and plain phytocenoses. [Видовое разнообразие лихенобиоты Западной Сибири и оценка участия видов лишайников в основных её горных и равнинных фитоценозах]. Akademicheskoe izd-vo «Geo», Novosibirsk, 61 pp. [In Russian]. [ISBN 978-5-9909583-5-7]
  • Shirjaeva OS (2015) Research history and species richness of agaricoid fungi in Sverdlovsk region [История изучения и видовое богатство агарикоидных базидиомицетов Свердловской области]. Vestnik Orenburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta 4: 49‑58. [In Russian].
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Last edits: 28.02.2024