The Fourth Congress of Russian Mycologists

The fourth congress of Russian mycologists will start tomorrow in Moscow. This meeting encompasses high diversity of sections (totally 30!), round tables and workshops. The Congress is a chance to learn about different fundamental and applied disciplines of mycology developing in different parts in Russia. I am not sure if i will be able to assimilate all this different information but i can choose areas of my interests and will try to keep pace :).

Our report on «Plot-based survey of macromycetes in forests near Khanty-Mansiysk» will be presented in the section of Fungal ecology. The report with the presentation pictures could be found here (.pdf) [in Russian].


Biological collections of Yugra workshop

The workshop on Biological collections of Yugra will be held tomorrow in the Museum of Man and Nature in Khanty-Mansiysk. The tradition of this workshop was started two years ago. The researchers and museum managers made their reports and discussed problems of collections organization and functioning in the region.

Biological collections of Yugra — workshop resolution (2015) [in Russian].
The proceedings were published in electronic publication (and the paper edition is coming) [some papers in English, the most in Russian].


This year we are going to discuss the results of two years of work, new collections will be described and other questions. The workshop is dedicated to memory of an ecologist and the manager of the first Herbarium in Khanty-Mansiysk — Yuriy Gordeev. He also studied, photographed and collected larger fungi in the region.

Program of Biological collections of Yugra workshop — 2017 [in Russian]

The Fungarium YSU and the Museum of Man and Nature have close cooperation for several years organizing Fungi expositions and research field work.

I am allowed to make two reports in the workshop. The first one is dedicated to the IS Specify for collection management. It has been about two years since we use this IS and now i can share some skills with colleagues. The important objective is to organize an integrated database for biological collections in the region based on our UGRABIO DB in Specify (installed at YSU server). It could be a platform for researchers working in Nature Reserves in the Yugra to store their collections information and share it online. The final goal would be to export this integrated database to GBIF.


The second report is about Fungal exhibitions: their organization and importance for teaching and mycological science. We made several fungal expositions in Khanty-Mansiysk during last years and i thought that some analysis of how it could be done would be important for us. The report could be also transformed in more popular presentation for non-specialists (to Lektoiy which is getting popular in the town). It was very interesting for me to learn how fungal expositions are organized in different places in the world. I found many beautiful pictures in the Internet, and hope that the colleagues could be impressed by diverse ideas in this field too.

ABOUT FUNGI EXHIBITIONS: ORGANIZATION AND IMPORTANCE — the report and presentation [in Russian]

The exsiccates from Murmansk region received

An exchange of Exsiccates is important tradition between Herbaria designed to distribute collections among researches and increase safety of the specimens. Up to date, we have not made our own Exsiccates and have not received them from other organizations. Now the first exchange was made with the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems of the North of the Kola Science Center of the RAS (INEP). They sent to us 13 specimens of Aphyllophoraceous fungi as an exchange. We will form our feedback soon according to the request of the groups of their interest.

We could also make Exsiccates of our Fungarium in future. This would require publication of the list of specimens, specimen preparation and dispatch to required list of organizations. The algorithm should be worked out and the cross-border shipment problems should be solved before.

P.s.: думала что для такого типа обмена в Specify нужно использовать Exchange In, создала такой объект, но не смогла привязать к соответствующему списку образцов. Буду узнавать как это работает, а пока внесла все метаданные о получении эксикатов в таблицу Поступления (Accession) (YSU-F-001).

An exchange between Herbaria: an important tradition has been started

New books in actual (paper) library


Из поездки на Конференцию привезла несколько книг в библиотеку Фунгария + накопилось за предыдущее время: обновила каталог и добавила новых гостей на книжную полку.


Замечательное иллюстрированное научно-популярное издание о флоре и экологии грибов от Юлии Химич (мы ходили на экскурсию в гербарий Института  проблем промышленной экологии севера КНЦ РАН, Апатиты):

Химич, Ю.Р., Руколайнен, А.В., Предтеченская, О.О., 2016. Грибы заповедника “Пасвик” [Fungi of Pasvik Nature Reserve]. НП “Голос губернии,” Рязань.

Сергей Большаков привез в подарок из БИНа несколько монографий по региональным флорам:

  1. Малышева, В.Ф., Малышева, Е.Ф., 2008. Высшие базидиомицеты лесных и луговых экосистем Жигулей. Товарищество научных изданий КМК, СПб.
  2. Волобуев, С.В., 2015. Афиллофороидные грибы Орловской области: таксономический состав, распространение, экология: Монография. Издательство “Лань,” СПб.
  3. Ежов, О.Н., Ершов, Р.В., Руколайнен, А.В., Змитрович, И.В., 2011. Афиллофоровые грибы заповедника “Пинежский.” РИО УроРАН, Екатеринбург.
  4. Ежов, О.Н., 2013. Афиллофоровые грибы Архангельской области. Екатеринбург.

Три научно-популярных книжки от Елены Дмитриевны: первая куплена в поездке в Крым, и две старые книжки из ее личной библиотеке переданы в нашу:

  1. Саркина, И.С., 2013. Грибы знакомые и незнакомые. Справочник-определитель грибов Крыма. Бизнес-Информ, Симферополь.
  2. Hennig, B., Kreisel, H., 1987. Taschenbuch fur pilzfreunde, Veb Gustav Fischer Verlag. ed. Jena.
  3. Клан, Я., 1984. Грибы. Артия, Прага.

Четыре учебника по Микологии и фитопатологии ввиду необходимости вести этот курс в 2018 году у магистрантов кафедры биологии ЮГУ:

  1. Дьяков, Ю.Т. (Ed.), 2012. Фундаментальная фитопатология. КРАСАНД, М.
  2. Дьяков, Ю.Т., 2012. Занимательная микология. Книжный дом “ЛИБРОКОМ,” Москва.
  3. Переведенцева, Л.Г., 2012. Микология. Грибы и грибоподобные организмы.
  4. Дьяков, Ю.Т., Еланский, С.Н., 2016. Общая фитопатология. Издательство Юрайт, М.